New Year; New Resolutions.

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Photo resolution.

According to the University of Scranton Journal of Clinical Psychology, only 8% of people are successful in achieving their New Year’s resolutions. In case the same number of you knows the importance of image resolution, we hope to help you understand a bit more.

resolutionHave you ever downloaded an image from the Internet and the image looked great on your computer screen, but when you printed it, it either printed at the size of a postage stamp or it printed at a decent size but looked blurry? The culprit is image resolution. Images used for the Internet do not need to be very large in order to appear at a reasonable size and good quality on your computer screen.

Images are composed of pixels, tiny dots of color combined to create an image. Generally, the more pixels (dots) an image, the higher the resolution; the higher the resolution, the larger you can print the image before it starts getting dull and blurry. For best results when printing on professional printing presses, images should always be supplied at high-resolution (300 dpi, dots per inch).

Image resolution is one subject that confuses a lot of people. We hope this brief explanation helps you to understand. Need help with image size for your next project? Just ask! Best of luck with your new years’ resolutions!